Enter Quote
Submitting a Quote from TeamPlayer saves you time and effort.
Follow these simple steps.
Open the Correct Project and see the list of Transactions, find the RFQ and click on it.
2. To view the Quote, click on the Orange Arrow on the bottom right and click on View RFQ.
When viewing the Request for Quote you can interact with the Contractor using the Console on the Right hand side.
You can add comments or questions and the contractor will be notified and will respond to you.
You will receive an email notification with any comments made on this RFQ.
3. Click on Enter Quote. And fill out the form.
Quote #: Enter a number to identify your Quote.
Bid($): Enter the amount you are bidding for this specific Quote
Quote Valid for: Number of days your bid price is valid.
Payment Terms: Select your preferred payment terms form the list of options.
Notes: Include any details you consider necessary before submitting your quote
4. Click Submit when you are ready.
5. You can view your quote from the confirmation screen.
6. Your Quote file will open on another bowser tab.