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Set up TeamPlayer in your RedTeam Flex Account
Set up TeamPlayer in your RedTeam Flex Account

How RedTeam Flex admins can set up TeamPlayer

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Written by RedTeam Support
Updated over a year ago

Set up TeamPlayer in your RedTeam Flex Account

To get started with TeamPlayer there are a few steps to be completed on the RedTeam Flex side by the General Contractor System Admin.

  1. RedTeam Flex support will activate TeamPlayer for your account once you received the presentation demo and agree to start using TeamPlayer.

  2. Configure TeamPlayer app tile:

    Follow this route: Apps Menu > TeamPlayer

    Click the TeamPlayer app tile to get your company started with TeamPlayer

    TeamPlayer for RedTeam Setup TeamPlayer Apps Section

  3. Read and accept the Terms of Service for TeamPlayer by checking the Box I Accept the Terms of Service

    TeamPlayer for RedTeam Setup TeamPlayer Terms and Service

  4. Set up the Construction Billing configuration.

    You will be charged $10 for each electronic Application for Payment (“eApp”) submitted by your vendors, which may be passed through to them at your discretion in the form of a Payment Discount. The amount of each discount taken will be shown on the Disbursement Authorization, and if you are connected to QuickBooks, posted to the account selected below.

    A. Enter the dollar amount to be deducted from your vendor.
    B. If you are connected to QBO, select the Account to which the Vendor Discounts are to be posted.

    C. Select a person on your team to receive the monthly billing for approved eApps (Electronic Application for Payment from TeamPlayer)
    D. Select if you want to allow your vendors to bill for Stored Materials via TeamPlayer. By default the option is Active for all your vendors, you can modify this option at any time.

    Keep in mind this will affect all future Billing applications submitted from TeamPlayer.

    TeamPlayer for RedTeam Setup TeamPlayer Constuction Billing Configuration
  5. Review and update if necessary the Default Application for Payment Certification, we provide a default certification but you can update it to your convenience according to your company needs.
    The Notary and Architect's certifications can be removed if needed, just use the checkboxes provided.

    This configuration will be available for all the commitments company-wide, you can also edit these terms per project when necessary.

    TeamPlayer for RedTeam Setup TeamPlayer Default Application

  6. You can review the transactions Log to audit all the transactions run through TeamPlayer over time.

  7. Any changes in the TeamPlayer app tile configuration will be recorded in the Metadata, available on this screen.

    TeamPlayer for RedTeam Setup TeamPlayer Metadata
  8. You might want to start using TeamPlayer with just a few Subcontractors for your projects, so you need to pick and choose them and enable them to use TeamPlayer.

    Remember only Subcontractors that are invited will be able to create a TeamPlayer account and submit electronic invoices.

  9. Enable Vendor Profile to use TeamPlayer
    Follow this route:

    Vendors Menu > Select Vendor > Edit Company Profile > TeamPlayer Section

    Go to the TeamPlayer section in the Subcontractor profile and check the box for TeamPlayer enabled.

    TeamPlayer for RedTeam Setup TeamPlayer TeamPlayer Enabled

  10. Your company might have different types of Vendor Commitments, for TeamPlayer you can select which Commitment types would need to be billed via TeamPlayer. See step 5 to learn how to configure your Commitments.

  11. Enable Commitment Type to use TeamPlayer

    Follow this route:
    Configuration Menu > Commitment Forms > Edit Commitment Format > Workflow Options

    Select the Commitment you'd like to set up and go to the Edit Commitment format. Scroll down to the Workflow Options and check the box To be used with TeamPlayer.

    TeamPlayer for RedTeam Setup TeamPlayer Edit Commitment Format

    Once all of these steps are completed by the System Admin on RedTeam Flex you can start inviting vendors to TeamPlayer. For more information on how to invite Vendors click here.

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