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TeamPlayer fee on Sage 300

For our RedTeam Flex Contractors using Sage 300 accounting integration.

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Written by RedTeam Support
Updated over a year ago

TeamPlayer fee on Sage 300

By using TeamPlayer Construction Billing, you will be charged $10 for each electronic Application for Payment (“eApp”) submitted by your vendors, which may be passed through to them at your discretion in the form of a Payment Discount. You can set up what percentage of this fee will be passed to the vendor. Once that is set up whenever you receive an Invoice via TeamPlayer, this discount fee should be entered in Step 1 of the Vendor Invoice form.

See image below

TeamPlayer fee Edit Vendor Invoice

This discount will go to Sage to be applied to the Vendor for payment.

See image below for Sage 300 form.

TeamPlayer fee Inquiry Invoice Register

Releasing the Retainage in TeamPlayer with Sage integration

When submitting a TeamPlayer billing for a commitment linked to Sage300, keep in mind that this Accounting System restricts the ability to bill for Progress and Retainage on the same Pay app.

If you are trying to submit a pay-app that includes progress billing and any retainage release you'll get a warning to let you know.

TeamPlayer will include the $10 invoice fee on the Disbursement Authorization since it facilitates the process of receiving the vendor's bill and routing it through RedTeam Flex for approval. Because of the limitation from Sage which does not allow us to send a retainage invoice, the process to release retainage will continue to be done in Sage, and the $10 TeamPlayer fee should be incorporated into your company's internal workflow and entered into Sage when releasing the retainage.

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